Greeting From the North Pole

Dear Friends,
Santa Claus here and yes, I am venturing out into the world of technology via email addresses and a web blog. This will be my daily on line diary archiving my daily adventures here at the toyshop and around the world. Like many of you, some days I may have more to say than other days, but you can always count that what I post will come from the heart and will be filled with love. After all, in my world, everyday is Christmas Day! Bless You all!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Please Pray

Dear Friends,
As so many of you know, there has been a terrible earthquake and Tsunami in Japan.  What incredible devastation!  I know that so many of you are hurting during these tough economic times, but please give when and if you can to help in relief for the those affected in Japan. It doesn't have to be much.  Every little bit counts in times like this. Pray for them and remember we all Brothers and Sisters in the eyes of the Father in Heaven and we must take care of one another. It is the true message of Christmas. I know that Mrs. Claus, the Elves and I will be praying and doing all we can to make sure the people of Japan are taken care of. We can not do it alone.  No one ask for this kind of horror in their lives.
Parents, please be there for your children as they are barraged with these most difficult images of destruction.  Protect them and keep them safe and show them the power of Love and Prayer.
Thank you for your time.  I love you all.

Your Friend Forever,
Santa Claus