Greeting From the North Pole

Dear Friends,
Santa Claus here and yes, I am venturing out into the world of technology via email addresses and a web blog. This will be my daily on line diary archiving my daily adventures here at the toyshop and around the world. Like many of you, some days I may have more to say than other days, but you can always count that what I post will come from the heart and will be filled with love. After all, in my world, everyday is Christmas Day! Bless You all!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I have seen so Many of you Already!

My Dear Young Friends,
It is only November 20th, 2011 and I have seen so many of you already.  I do love visiting with all of you.  Of course, many of you will see me several times this Christmas Season and ask why I look different each time.  Well, of course I have elves who help me out and then there is the fact that I am OMNIPRESENT.  That means I can be in more than one place at a time and I can make myself look different where ever I go.  Some of you see me several times over the course of the year and never realize you walked by me.  I can be a master of disguise. It is all part of the Christmas Magic that I have been Blessed with.  It is surely a MIRACLE from Heaven that I can do all that I do. No matter where you see me or what I look like, Know that I love you and that I live in your hearts as surely as you live in mine.  Be Good and I will see you again very soon.  Here is photo of the North Pole just outside of Snowflake Village taken in mid October. Hope you like it.

Your friend Forever,
Santa Claus

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy November, Folks!

Hey there Young Friends,
Well, Halloween has come and gone and soon it will be your American Thanksgiving and then the Christmas Season will be upon us.  Have you been trying your very best to be good? I hope you all live by the Golden Rule..., "Treat others the way you want to be Treated".  I know the kindned and goodness in all your hearts. Just remember, I am always watching you.

So that is it for my post today. I promise to be better at writing in my blog.  It is going to be a very busy time for us here at the North Pole in the Next few weeks, but we have this down to a science.  Now, I am off to feed the Reindeer.  The are practicing and resting everyday for a journey around the world.  Hope to see many of you in the next couple weeks. I will be here, there and everywhere.  So God Bless You my Friends.  See you all real soon.