Greeting From the North Pole

Dear Friends,
Santa Claus here and yes, I am venturing out into the world of technology via email addresses and a web blog. This will be my daily on line diary archiving my daily adventures here at the toyshop and around the world. Like many of you, some days I may have more to say than other days, but you can always count that what I post will come from the heart and will be filled with love. After all, in my world, everyday is Christmas Day! Bless You all!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Passover, Happy Spring, HAPPY EASTER!

Dear Friends,
As Spring has finally sprung and the flowers I am sure are blooming in your Neighborhood, I want to wish you all a most Blessed Easter. May we never forget the one who gave the ultimate sacrifice for us and who rose from the dead to open the gates of Heaven to all of us.
Remember, the Easter Bunny Loves you with all his heart.  Be sure to leave him out some carrots.  Happy Passover, Happy Spring and Happy Easter.
Continue to be Good Boys and Girls. I am always watching you.

Your Friend Forever,
Santa Claus

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy February Friends!

Well here we are in the Month of February. What a wonderful month is it. This month we celebrate "Love"  on Saint Valentine's Day.  I hope you all know how much we all love you each and every day of the year.

Right now at the North Pole, We are very busy developing new toy ideas for 2012 and beyond. We are also in negotiations with other toy companies who will help us in our quest to make sure that all our orders are filled and delivered for Christmas 2012.  Mrs. Claus and I did take a brief rest and we had a chance to enjoy the beaches of Brazil as well as the snow capped mountains of the Alps.  No matter where our journeys take us, we always take on different persona's so that people do not recognise us.  The mystery and magic of Christmas is a splendid thing.  It is not that we do not like being seen out and about, but everything has it's time and place.

Well my Dear Friends, That is all for us right now.  I hope many of you have had a chance to witness the beauty in the skies that we call the Northern Lights.  Thanks to the Suns wonderous awesomeness, the Aurora Beuroialis has been more amazing than ever.  If you haven't seen them in the Northen Hemisphere, be sure to keep an eye in the North sky and just maybe you will. And remember, that as you are witnessing their splendor, we too are watching them with you. 

Happy Valentine's Day, Friends and now that I love you with all my heart.  Continue to do your best.

Your Friend Forever,
Santa Claus

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Dear Friends,
As we say Good Bye to the difficult year that was 2011 and welcome the New Year of 2012, I remind you that life is what we make of it.  Times can be tough, but if you have LOVE in your heart, times can seem easier.  Trust in the goodness in each of your hearts.  Kindness will always win out in the end.  Do not make resolutions you can't keep, but make positive changes in your life that are realistic, attainable and "BELIEVE" in yourself.  If you can't love and believe in "you" than who else can you depend on.  So Happy New Year, my Friends and know that I LOVE YOU all very much.  Now, back to work.
Your Friend Forever,
Santa Claus