Greeting From the North Pole

Dear Friends,
Santa Claus here and yes, I am venturing out into the world of technology via email addresses and a web blog. This will be my daily on line diary archiving my daily adventures here at the toyshop and around the world. Like many of you, some days I may have more to say than other days, but you can always count that what I post will come from the heart and will be filled with love. After all, in my world, everyday is Christmas Day! Bless You all!

Friday, December 23, 2011

2011 Christmas Eve Blog - Merry Christmas Friends

My Dear Young Friends from all over the World,

Here it is Christmas Eve and before I embark on my miraculous and wonderful journey around the world, I want to remind you all of the true meaning of Christmas.  It is about a little baby boy named Jesus who was born over two thousand years ago for all of us.  He was and is the ultimate symbol of Unconditional Love.  Thanks to him, I have this wonderful job that I have.  Jesus was and will forever be our greatest gift.  His was a gift of ultimate love and selflessness.  We should all learn from his example. 

I sure have enjoyed visiting with all of you from all over the world these last couple months. Your smiling, and crying faces too, bring such joy to my heart.  You have all tried so hard all year to be good.  Ole Santa never expects perfection, because no one is perfect and we all make mistakes.  The key is to learn from our mistakes and to try not to repeat them.  As for myself, I put it in the hands of God and hope that He will guide me. 

So My Friends, It is time to get in my sleigh and begin my trip.  Mrs. Claus has packed me a few sandwiches and some hot chocolate and I am ready to go. The reindeer are bouncing up and down with anticipation.  Please remember to leave me and the reindeer some treats and know that we appreciate your thoughtfulness.  Be in Bed early and do not forget to say your prayers.  The Lord always hears you.

With that being said, I wish you all a most Blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with great joy.  Above all else, know that I love you very much. 

Your Friend Forever,
Santa Claus