Greeting From the North Pole

Dear Friends,
Santa Claus here and yes, I am venturing out into the world of technology via email addresses and a web blog. This will be my daily on line diary archiving my daily adventures here at the toyshop and around the world. Like many of you, some days I may have more to say than other days, but you can always count that what I post will come from the heart and will be filled with love. After all, in my world, everyday is Christmas Day! Bless You all!

Friday, December 23, 2011

2011 Christmas Eve Blog - Merry Christmas Friends

My Dear Young Friends from all over the World,

Here it is Christmas Eve and before I embark on my miraculous and wonderful journey around the world, I want to remind you all of the true meaning of Christmas.  It is about a little baby boy named Jesus who was born over two thousand years ago for all of us.  He was and is the ultimate symbol of Unconditional Love.  Thanks to him, I have this wonderful job that I have.  Jesus was and will forever be our greatest gift.  His was a gift of ultimate love and selflessness.  We should all learn from his example. 

I sure have enjoyed visiting with all of you from all over the world these last couple months. Your smiling, and crying faces too, bring such joy to my heart.  You have all tried so hard all year to be good.  Ole Santa never expects perfection, because no one is perfect and we all make mistakes.  The key is to learn from our mistakes and to try not to repeat them.  As for myself, I put it in the hands of God and hope that He will guide me. 

So My Friends, It is time to get in my sleigh and begin my trip.  Mrs. Claus has packed me a few sandwiches and some hot chocolate and I am ready to go. The reindeer are bouncing up and down with anticipation.  Please remember to leave me and the reindeer some treats and know that we appreciate your thoughtfulness.  Be in Bed early and do not forget to say your prayers.  The Lord always hears you.

With that being said, I wish you all a most Blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with great joy.  Above all else, know that I love you very much. 

Your Friend Forever,
Santa Claus

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I have seen so Many of you Already!

My Dear Young Friends,
It is only November 20th, 2011 and I have seen so many of you already.  I do love visiting with all of you.  Of course, many of you will see me several times this Christmas Season and ask why I look different each time.  Well, of course I have elves who help me out and then there is the fact that I am OMNIPRESENT.  That means I can be in more than one place at a time and I can make myself look different where ever I go.  Some of you see me several times over the course of the year and never realize you walked by me.  I can be a master of disguise. It is all part of the Christmas Magic that I have been Blessed with.  It is surely a MIRACLE from Heaven that I can do all that I do. No matter where you see me or what I look like, Know that I love you and that I live in your hearts as surely as you live in mine.  Be Good and I will see you again very soon.  Here is photo of the North Pole just outside of Snowflake Village taken in mid October. Hope you like it.

Your friend Forever,
Santa Claus

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy November, Folks!

Hey there Young Friends,
Well, Halloween has come and gone and soon it will be your American Thanksgiving and then the Christmas Season will be upon us.  Have you been trying your very best to be good? I hope you all live by the Golden Rule..., "Treat others the way you want to be Treated".  I know the kindned and goodness in all your hearts. Just remember, I am always watching you.

So that is it for my post today. I promise to be better at writing in my blog.  It is going to be a very busy time for us here at the North Pole in the Next few weeks, but we have this down to a science.  Now, I am off to feed the Reindeer.  The are practicing and resting everyday for a journey around the world.  Hope to see many of you in the next couple weeks. I will be here, there and everywhere.  So God Bless You my Friends.  See you all real soon.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Let Freedom Ring

Happy Birthday, America!  Always remember the beauty in your freedoms and the choices you are given, but never forget your obligation as a child of the world to look out and care for others.  God does not have favourites. We are all his children and he loves us the same. So Happy Independence Day, America and Canada too.  This weekend we celebrate YOU!

Yours Forever,
Santa Claus

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Holy Week

Dear Little Friends,
As we get ready to approach the Holiest Week of the Year and then the Easter Season, I want to take this time to wish you all a Happy Spring.  May the Easter Bunny find you all and may your heart be open to the gift of new life and the Risen Jesus.  I love you all.

Your Friend Forever,
Santa Claus

PS.  If you want to know more about the Easter Bunny. Email me at and I will be share to send you a little story I wrote about him.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Please Pray

Dear Friends,
As so many of you know, there has been a terrible earthquake and Tsunami in Japan.  What incredible devastation!  I know that so many of you are hurting during these tough economic times, but please give when and if you can to help in relief for the those affected in Japan. It doesn't have to be much.  Every little bit counts in times like this. Pray for them and remember we all Brothers and Sisters in the eyes of the Father in Heaven and we must take care of one another. It is the true message of Christmas. I know that Mrs. Claus, the Elves and I will be praying and doing all we can to make sure the people of Japan are taken care of. We can not do it alone.  No one ask for this kind of horror in their lives.
Parents, please be there for your children as they are barraged with these most difficult images of destruction.  Protect them and keep them safe and show them the power of Love and Prayer.
Thank you for your time.  I love you all.

Your Friend Forever,
Santa Claus

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Another Tragedy around the World

My Dear Friends,
Please take a moment and pray for all the people of Christchurch, New Zealand as they are suffering from this terrible earthquake that hit them on Tuesday.  Prayer is a gift we can give freely and they go directly to God and his Angels.  Ask that they take care of these poor unfortunate people as they struggle with rebuilding their city and their lives.  Remember, we are all brothers and sisters here on earth and we must all look out for one another.  Care and show your Love.  If you can do this in your lives, you will definitely be celebrating the Season of Christmas everyday of your lives.  I love you all. Be Good!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where is the Time Going?

Dear Friends,
Time just seems to be getting away from me.  I missed wishing you a HAPPY SAINT VALENTINE DAY!
So with that in mind,  here are some words to reflect on.

You are special to me Be Claus,You have given in ways only the Heart can See.   I love you all.  Be good and remember I am always with you.
 Your Friend Forever,
Santa Claus

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thought for the Day 2-2-2011

My Dear Friends,
You are all "Good" and "Special" to me because YOU HAVE GIVEN IN WAYS ONLY THE HEART CAN SEE.
Merry Candlemas Day!  Candlemas is the feast day when we remember Jesus being presented in the Temple and the day Mary went for purification.  It is the day we look forward to spring with the Light of the World as our guide to new life.  Have a wonderful Day!

Your Friend Forever,
Santa Claus

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Who Is Santa Claus?

Like God, Santa Claus LOVES you; not because you are lovable but because he is LOVE, not because he needs to receive but because he delights in GIVING.  That is Santa Claus.

*Reference C.S.Lewis

Sunday, January 23, 2011

We Have Returned to the North Pole

As Much as our hearts told us to stay in Australia, Mrs. Claus and I have returned to the North Pole after a few weeks helping out in North East Australia.  It was difficult to leave these people who still needed our help, but we came back to the pole to check on the elves and the workshop and with the hopes of returning to Australia to bring needed supplies.  I hope you are continuing to pray for these wonderful people.  Prayer is a true gift and it cost nothing to offer prayers up to the Father in Heaven.

Todays quote for the day: "By Loving the Ordinary, you Make it Extraordinary! "
From the Book: You're my Friend Be Claus

Continue to be good and Remember that I love you with all my heart.

Your Friend Forever,
Santa Claus

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thought of the Day

Being Friends with you makes it easy to BELIEVE in Christmas.

*From the Book You're my Friend Be Claus.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Words To Live By!

Dear Friends,
The Best Present you can give and receive is true FRIENDSHIP.  FRIENDSHIP is magical, joyous,uncritical, and more important than anything, LOVING.  If you have been a good FRIEND all year long, Santa Claus will surely bring you Friendship in return.

*From the Book You're my Friend Be Claus

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Please, Let us Pray

My Dear Friends,
Mrs. Claus and I are here in Brisbane, Australia and we doing our best to bring hope and happiness to the people of Queensland.  These floods have ravished their homes and the land around them.  Please, Please, Please, pray for them all and pray for the surrounding areas that could soon be effected as well.  So many people need our prayers, but at this moment, the kind and loving people of Australia really need our love and kind thoughts.  I will let you know more as time goes on. Hopefully the rains will stop soon and the flood waters will reside.  So many people will need help rebuilding and starting over. God Bless them all.
Continue to be good.  Keep Kindness in your heart.  I may not be at the North Pole, But I can still see you.  Remember, I love you very much.
Your Friend Forever,
Santa Claus

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Twelfth Day Of Christmas

Hello Friends,
Mrs. Claus and I are here in Australia and well, I will talk a little bit more about that in the near future, but for now I want to be the one to last wish you a Most Merry Christmas.  Yes My Friends, Today is the twelfth and final day of the Christmas Season.  Today we celebrate the Three Wise Men who came to honour the Baby Jesus.  It is by their example that we give one another gifts at Christmas Time.  So remember them today. And remember that giving of ourselves is always the best gift we can give to one another.  When we do that, we celebrate Christmas every day of the year. Much Love to all of you and MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Our 2011 Vacation Destination

Dear Friends,
Well, the decision has been made.  After thinking about it, where we decided to go  on vacation actually came very easy.  Above all else, our first and foremost purpose for anything we do is, "How Can We Make A Difference Where Ever we Go?" I know many of you may not see that as a vacation, but doing humanitarian work is truly what brings joy to our lives.  With that in mind, we are going to Queensland, Australia.  If you have not heard on the news, that part of Australia has been hit with heavy summer rains that have severely flooded that part of the world.  The devastation has been terrible for these wonderful people and so Mrs. Claus and I will be going to help them out. We will do whatever they need of us and we will try to bring back a little happiness and hope to these wonderful people.  Pray for them and for us and know we will be thinking of all of you while we are away. Don't you worry, the elves who will have a couple weeks off as well, will have everything under control at the North Pole. Continue to be good, because you never know when they will be watching you or when I will be looking into my magic Snowball.  Chat with you soon.
Your Friend Forever,
Santa Claus

Monday, January 3, 2011

Getting ready to Leave the North Pole

Dear Friends, I got up this morning and decided to spend the day with my heard of Reindeer.  They will surely miss Mrs. Claus and I as we go on our mini vacation.  The elves will be very good to them though and I am certain they will be taken care of and loved while we are gone.  For this vacation, we will be flying Santa1 from my small fleet of airplanes.  Still not sure where we are going yet.  I just told Mrs. Claus to pack for both warm and cooler climates.  
Because it is dark almost 24 hours a day here at the North Pole, I was not able to get good photos of the reindeer to share with you, so I am sending this photo Yukon Cornielus took back in mid October of 2010.

Also, Here is a photo of my plane that we call Santa1 and my other plane Santa2.  It's important to give the reindeer a good rest.  Where do you think Mrs. Claus and I should go on Vacation?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Coming Into the Modern Age

Well today has been a technological adventure.  Thanks to my Techy Elf, Brian, the North Pole is now coming into the modern age.  This will come in handy as Mrs. Claus and I prepare to take a little vacation.  Let's see where the North winds take us this year.  Where do you think we should go on vacation?